Lemon Trees with Night Sky Mural

Here’s a new post from my Marsh Hawk Studio LLC:

I recently completed this project in Ponte Vedra, Florida. There are few experiences so thrilling as seeing your once-imagined world realized – whether on stage or in a dining room.

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My clients wanted to recreate the feeling they experienced while eating lunch at the Ristorante ‘o Parruchiano la Favorita in Sorrento, Italy.

They explained that the town of Sorrento is all about lemons and this restaurant’s patio diningroom was surrounded by fruit-laden lemon trees – blossoms drifting down all around.

They also wished to reference the enchanting merhorse fountains which flank the larger baroque fountain in Taormina, Northern Sicily.

Client's Photo of Baroque Fountain
Client’s Photo of Baroque Fountain with Merhorses

In searching for a muralist they stumbled over a prior project of mine – a night sky with crystal stars. This expanded their vision.

They got in touch and we got to work.

In my next post I will walk you through the design and painting process.

I hope you enjoy the world we created!

After the Storm

After four days of gray-upon-gray my eyes were craving color! Shortly after
the last of the high tides I grabbed my camera and walked down to the
marshes. The colors were startling. After so many wide, landscape shots I
am starting to look closer to find the hidden surprises. Unfortunately my
zoom doesn’t have macro capabilities but I can still find beautiful images
at mid-distances.



